Reason 1: Signal of authority and
Placing your arms behind your back is
very much the opposite of crossing your arms protectively in front of you. By
holding your hands behind you, you expose the front of your body, where all
sorts of sensitive organs like your heart, lungs and intestines are found. In
animal-terms, you are exposing yourself to potential attack. Such little
concern regarding your unprotected state indicates feelings of confidence,
power, superiority and authority. It is as if they are saying “I’m so powerful,
no-one would dare do anything to me, so I need not protect my front!”.
This is most likely the subconscious
reason for taking on this posture by royalty, people with a lot of power (in
the cartoon world this includes Tinkerbell!) and people who deem themselves
important such as policemen and teachers.
Reason 2: Physical Restraint: Holding back their arms from throwing a punch
If rather than a relaxed palm-in-palm
hands behind the back you have a more intense gripping of hands or one hand
tightly gripping a fisted other hand at the wrist, or further up the arm, it is
quite likely to indicate restrained frustration or aggression.
Reason 3: Mental Restraint: Holding
back the truth
It need not necessarily be physical
restraint. Holding back and hiding thoughts and words may also be symbolised by
holding your hands behind your back. Generally hiding your palms is sometimes
linked with hiding things, or even lying.
Sometimes people who hold their hands
behind their back are surprised when they are met with hostility, and this may
well be because the message they are sending is that they are potentially
untrustworthy, aggressive or superior! No great wonder it is not the best way
to come across as friendly!
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